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Injection Services at Knue Laser

Are Injections calling your name? Here at Knue Laser, we offer a variety of services to improve skin, lips, and energy boost. The Knue Laser team specializes in these listed injections such as; toxins, vitamins, collagen builders, and lip injections. Ultimately, injections avert the skin in its tracks, shrinking the chances of any wrinkles or rough skin. If injections are a need for you then the Knue Laser Team is here to help!

How Toxin Injections Work 

Toxin Injections are better known as Botox and focus on enhancing one's appearance by reducing strain on the soft tissues that cause creasing in the skin. 


The best way to sustain results would consist of a continuous treatment ranging from every 3-6 months.


Benefits of Vitamin Injections

Vitamin Injections are a natural healing process and work to boost your immune system and elevate energy volume. 


In addition to this, you become more efficient, sleep is improved, fat burning and metabolism increases, and overall lessens migraines and headaches. 


Lastly, Vitamin Injections are a beneficial and simple treatment to improve overall health and wellness. You must discuss with your physician the appropriate vitamin regimen specifically for you.


Why Collagen Builder Injections?

If you're wondering why people choose Collagen Builder Injections, here's why. Collagen Builder is a plant-based additive that was created to improve a natural combination in our bodies to refine healthy skin. 


What better way to hydrate skin as you age, than Collagen Builder Injections? Collagen can create a healthy barrier for not only the skin but hair and teeth as well.


At Knue Laser we can ensure the safety and glow of your skin by producing Collagen Injections making you feel great about your appearance.



Knue Laser IM Injections

Single Shot/4 Shot Pkg

Vitamin C-immunity, skin health, healing, boost collagen production 

B12-increase metabolism/energy, increases RBCs, supports brain function

Vitamin D-“sunshine vitamin,” improves mood, bone/teeth health, immune support

Zinc-immunity, healing, acne/rashes, improves sexual health 

B-Complex-energy, improves nerve/cell functions, improves digestion, boost mood

Amino Blend-improves athletic performance, muscle recovery, alleviate hangover symptoms 

Biotin- hair/skin/nails health, supports nervous system, regulate blood sugar,

Magnesium-mood, improve sleep, PMS symptoms, migraines, relaxes muscles 

L’Carnitine-weight loss, increased endurance/strength/stamina, muscle mass/recovery

COQ10-heart health, migraines relief, boost energy, anti-aging, improve cognitive function

L’Arginine- improves heart health and athletic performance, increased blood flow, muscle growth 

Lipo-C-promote fat loss, preserve lean muscle, increase endurance, improves fatigue

Lipo-B-improves energy, increases metabolism, weight loss, increased mood 

Lysine-prevention of cold/canker sores, reduces anxiety, tissue repair, muscle strength 

Glutathione-master antioxidant, skin brightening, anti-inflammatory, supports immunity

Tri-Immune-improves immunity, skin health, healing benefits

NAD+-promotes DNA repair, improve mental clarity/focus, increase energy level/metabolism 


Immunity: Zinc, Vit D, High Dose Vit C

Glow: Zinc, Glutathione, Vit C

Weight Management: Lipo B, L’Carnitine, Amino Blend

Energy: B-Complex, Amino Blend, B12, L’Carntine

Libido: B-Complex, Zinc, Vit D, L’Arginine

Mood: Magnesium, Vit D, B12, CoQ10

*PCOS: MIC, Zinc, Vit D, Magnesium

Choosing The Best Injection Service For You

Many injection services target some of the same areas so we understand not knowing which service suits you best. At Knue Laser we pride ourselves on making our clients feel comfortable to ask any questions they may have. In addition to providing the best service possible.

 If you are seeking an injection service and don't necessarily know which particular service is best for you, send us a message or give us a call today, one of our Knue Laser Team members will be happy to assist you!


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Have a questions? We’re here to help. Send us a message and we will answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Prices may be changed at any time without further notice.

However, if you have booked but not yet paid for service , we guarantee the price. 

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